A colonial city with a history of British White Rajahs befriending Sultans to fight pirates, Kuching has a bunch of epic stories to tell and a number of very friendly locals to tell them. Located as it is on the North West Malaysian state of Sarawak on the island o…
My mind deals in stories. I don’t write them so much these days, who has the time? But I do like to imagine these stories, to make grand narratives in my head neatly explaining what the hell I’m doing with my life. I revise character arcs in my head like the post-production of k…
Adults debate about media representation; ‘let’s have real women on Cosmo , less airbrushing in ads, older women in film’, but it seems to me, the value we put on representation outweighs the value we put on reality. Sure, fight for equal representation, but first, let’s teach o…
Comments sections are bitter lands. They run by different laws where no one’s safe and everyone’s a prisoner of their own poor grammar. An opinion, it seems, needs to be caps-locked in order for it to be valid. Bandying insults of nationality and lowered intelligence has be…
How do you get a boat load of 19 th century young men to agree to risking their lives (real big time) for nothing but a state salary and a pat on the back? You make them believe in something; in their country’s goals, in the knowledge and the power of the British empire, in En…
Ice caps are melting, tuition fees are rising, health services are privatising, arts funding is diminishing, attention spans are shortening and no one cares. Except perhaps for the 30 or so minutes they’re trending on Facebook. Activism on social media goes as far as a o…